

2008 Uppsatser om Customer-centric innovation - Sida 1 av 134

En studie av Karlstads universitets studenters användning av video-centric webbplatser

Undersökningens avsikt är att granska video-centric webbplatsers användning bland Karlstads universitets studenter, varför och hur studenter använder webbplatserna. Undersökningen är baserad på Uses and Gratifications modellen..

Sri Lanka 2008-2009 : Militärteoretisk analys av den Singalesiska kampanjen mot LTTE

Sri Lanka har varit skådeplatsen för ett av nutidens blodigaste och längsta uppror. LTTE bedrev ett uppror med en separatistisk målsättning att skapa en egen Tamilsk stat på norra Sri Lanka. LTTE hade segern inom räckhåll 2006, men den Singalesiska regeringen lyckades vända LTTE framgång. En regeringsoffensiv 2008-2009 resulterade i ett totalt militärt nederlag för LTTE. David Galulas teorier kring COIN har influerat författarna till FM 3-24.

Kundens bidrag i innovationsprocessen : En studie om användande av kunder för att upptäcka latenta behov

Title: The customer?s contribution to the innovation-process ? a study of using customers to discover latent needs. Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Author: Robert Klein Supervisor: Agneta Sundström Date: 2014-06 Aim: The purpose of this study is to gain enhanced understanding of what knowledge costumers contribute with in an innovation-process lead by a producer of goods, and how that knowledge is used to fulfill latent needs. The area of research has formerly described which results customer-involvement lead to, but have been scarce in describing how results are produced. Method: From a qualitative onset, a case-study collecting data through observations and interviews capturing customer knowledge contributions, and producer use of fetched knowledge has been conducted. Data has been analyzed using a grounded theory approach. Results have been processed in several steps in which material has been categorized and enriched continuously. Result & Conclusions: Customer-knowledge is broken down into market-knowledge, everyday-knowledge, and specialist-knowledge, which all are significant to a producer of goods.

Brukarinflytande hos personer med psykiska funktionsnedsättningar. Brukarinflytande hos PERSONER med psykiska funktiONSnedsättningar : Personalens syn på brukarinflytande.

Title: The customer?s contribution to the innovation-process ? a study of using customers to discover latent needs. Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Author: Robert Klein Supervisor: Agneta Sundström Date: 2014-06 Aim: The purpose of this study is to gain enhanced understanding of what knowledge costumers contribute with in an innovation-process lead by a producer of goods, and how that knowledge is used to fulfill latent needs. The area of research has formerly described which results customer-involvement lead to, but have been scarce in describing how results are produced. Method: From a qualitative onset, a case-study collecting data through observations and interviews capturing customer knowledge contributions, and producer use of fetched knowledge has been conducted. Data has been analyzed using a grounded theory approach. Results have been processed in several steps in which material has been categorized and enriched continuously. Result & Conclusions: Customer-knowledge is broken down into market-knowledge, everyday-knowledge, and specialist-knowledge, which all are significant to a producer of goods.

"Omstart" : En studie om co-creation inom scenkonst

The process of value creation is rapidly shifting from a product- and firm-centric view to personalized consumer experience today. Informed, networked, empowered and active consumers are increasingly co-creating value with the firm. The interaction between the firm and the consumer as well as the experience factor plays an increasingly important role in determining the success of a company?s offering. In this study, a special type of co-creating experience is investigated - ?omstartspex? - where the audience is interacting with actors during the play.

Marknadsföra Innovationer: Hur länken mellan teknologisk innovation och värdeskapande är avgörande för framgång

Near Field Communication, NFC, is a short-range wireless communication technology that enables data exchange between devices in a secure way. A NFC phone has the potential to enable the convergence of wallet, phone and keys, but as many other technological innovations, the launch is struggling. We have discovered that technological innovation is only the first step. For an innovation to be adapted, there need to be business model innovation too. Many actors form the ecosystem of NFC and the business model for each service is still an unsolved problem.

Kundrelationer och Kundlönsamhetsbedömningar: En fallstudie inom telekom

This paper examines the customer relationships of a telecom operator and how their customer accounting is done. The aim is to use the framework developed by Lind & Strömsten (2006) to categorize customer relationships and see to what extent the framework predicts which type of customer accounting method is used for each customer relationship. A case study was made at Telenor Sverige AB where different customer relationships are identified and linked to the customer accounting techniques that are used for financial measurement of the customers. Findings include that all but one of the customer relationships described in the framework were recognized at Telenor and that most customer accounting techniques mentioned in the framework were in fact used and associated with different customer relationships. The results of the case study also highlight that some differences exist between the predictions of the framework and the observations at Telenor..

Innovating Customer Experience -from a telecom industry perspective

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to identify and analyze innovative products and services within the telecom industry, letting these findings constitute possible ways for CSPs to innovate the experience of their customers. Methodology: The research in this thesis was conducted from a qualitative approach and data were collected using primary- (expert interviews) and secondary sources (journals, articles, web sites etcetera). In addition, a research design entailing four sequential steps was created to stipulate and illustrate the logic underpinning the methodological process. Theoretical perspectives: The theories are divided in three groups. Background theories ? these intend to capture the problematic nature of the transforming telecom industry, examples of such theories are; value chain theories and ecosystem theory.

Idélab en innovativ organisation?

I och med den ökade globaliseringen, ställs det dagligen nya krav och förväntningar på organisationer att möta de fluktuerande behov som omvärlden ställer på dem. Användningen och spridningen av begreppet innovation har aldrig varit så stort eller starkt som idag och det sträcker sig alltifrån regeringspropositioner, forskning, varumärken och konsumentartiklar. Alla vill ta del av det nya ?inne ordet - innovation? men vad är egentligen innovation och vad innebär det för en organisation att vara innovativa? Vi har valt att försöka samla dessa begrepp för att åstadkomma en förståelse för vad innovation egentligen är och hur en organisation kan dra nytta av det..

Från ax till limpa : Verksamhetsprocessen vid framtagande av applikationer till handdatorer på Fazer Bageri AB

Human Computer Interaction (HCI) is a broad discipline that studies different concerns regarding interactive systems? development. One of the major interest points within the discipline is the reasoning behind building specific functionality into computers and the long-term effects that usage of systems will have on humans.Within Human Computer Interaction there are theories and frameworks how to involve a user in the process of developing new systems. In this paper focus is applied to the development process within developing applications for Enterprice Digital Assistants (EDA) and to what extent the end-users are involved in the process. Fazer Bageri AB has been choosen to represent a business corporation that uses handheld computers in their everyday tasks.The method used to gather information for this study has been by performing interviews and observations with key stakeholders at Fazer Bageri AB and MobiOne AB.

En ?marknadsundersökning? genom att iterera fram till ett värdeskapande koncept

Ett affärskoncept har tagits fram och resulterat i en marknadsplats. Marknadsplatsen är en webbsida och mobil applikation vars syfte är att skapa värde av resursers bokningsbara tider som idag har generellt låg beläggning hos aktivitetsanläggningar inom sport, kultur och nöje.Marknadsplatsen är tänkt att samla ett brett utbud av lågbeläggningstider inom olika aktivitetstyper som är typiska vardagsaktiviteter som vänner gör tillsammans. Tanken är att bygga ett starkt varumärke för marknadsplatsen med det tydliga budskapet att "marknadsplatsen tillhandahåller ett brett utbud av prisvärda erbjudanden inom sport- och nöjesaktiviteter, om du väljer att anpassa ditt schema utifrån anläggningarnas lågbeläggningstider". Dessutom är det tänkt att marknadsplatsen ska ha funktionalitet som gör det enklare för användare att boka en tid via marknadsplatsen, genom att synkronisera de olika alternativ av aktiviteter och tider som personer inom en grupp av vänner är intresserade av. Marknadsplatsen är tänkt att riktas till målgrupper med personer som har flexibla scheman, framförallt egenföretagare, studenter och pensionärer.

Pappersfoton i den digitala eran: Hur företag kan agera vid ett tekniskt skifte

The spread of digital photography has created major changes in the previously stable Swedish photofinishing market. We investigate how companies act to survive in the face of technological change, through our research question: What strategies have actors in the photofinishing business chosen during the changeover from analog to digital photofinishing? Using a deductive method, we have conducted semi-structured interviews with 11 actors in the photofinishing business. Innovation management studies innovation from a number of perspectives, describing effects of innovations on the competitive ability of established actors, and on the value of their resources. The companies were not prepared for the speed of the change.

Att bygga kundrelationer med hjälp av communities

The advancements in digital technology and its availability contribute to the transfer of companycentricproduct development and value creation to networks or communities. It also changes the basisfor creation of customer relationships as described in previous research on Customer relationshipmanagement (CRM). The purpose of this case study was to gain an understanding of how companieslike our case study object Memoto who developed a physical product which gets added-value fromdigital product-related services looks upon product-centered communities as a way of buildingcustomer relationships. How Memoto looks upon incentives for participation in product-centeredcommunities was also examined.Our research indicated that firms in the start-up phase (which Memoto was when this study wasconducted) initially want to have more control over the process of innovation and hence have directcontact with end-customers. The reason for this is because they see a need to define the basis forfurther innovation work.

The Innovation Value Chain -How Firms can Generate Innovation

Teorigenomgång som mynnar ut i tolv parametrar som karaktäriserar en innovativ organisation, samt en teoretisk modell, Innovation Value Chain (IVC) som beskriver den innovativa processen. Åtta fallstudier utav tillverkande svenska företag analyseras med hjälp av IVC modellen..

Innovation på Itkonsultföretag. En fallstudie på EVRY

Companies today are exposed to a turbulent market with fierce competition and the ability toinnovate itself becomes increasingly important. But what innovation is and how it is managed is farfrom obvious. In this case study at EVRY the research questions are: ?What is innovation in ITconsultant companies?? and ?how can innovation be managed in IT consultant companies?? ITconsultancy is a complex type of business and their focus is often to innovate the customers businessrather than their own. The study is based on a literature review, field studies, unstructuredinterviews and an interpretive analysis.

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